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2022 In review

2022 was a year of many changes. Some good, some bad but mostly has not been a productive year.

My new year started with my dad being sick and coming back home. He was hospitalized and late February, he passed away due to complications from COVID recovery. When I headed down I expecting to be gone at most a few weeks once he recovered. I didn’t expect my dad to pass away. Last year when he had the triple bypass, the odds was against us and I was very afraid that he was going to pass away. Once he survived that and was going through recovery I figured I had more time to be with my dad. This is the lowest point of my life and I was lost for awhile when this happened. Granted I am thankful that my dad had planned for his death after surviving the triple bypass, but nothing can ever prepare you for your parent or loved one to die.

I think the biggest thing I hope that anyone learns from this is that, at any moment you can lose your love ones so don’t take even a day for granted.

I moved back home around April and this made it so that I was unable to continue my position at my job. The disappointment that my company was so quick to let me go after moving down was massive. A person should never be loyal to their job but I hoped that the 5 years I put in was worth at least trying to work with me to continue. I did like my job, trying to make sure our most vulnerable population could get transportation to get medical treatment. The purpose at least made up for the lack of compensation and sacrifice of personal time to work all the time. It took me not having this job to realize the toll it had taken on me. When I was away from home, I had nothing but my job to fill my time. The place I was at didn’t have much for me. I had given up on playing Magic the Gathering, Weiss Schwarz, and other card games. There wasn’t many anime events , and anything held was done by a scumbag that I didn’t want to support. I didn’t drink much so being around breweries wasn’t exactly fun to go to and most importantly I had no new friends. Granted I believe that was my fault being so dreary about living in my new area, but there wasn’t anyone I had a connection with. I tried to open up a card shop before COVID, and that was at the time my biggest mistake. I didn’t separate my work and personal life. At one point I gained over 30lbs eating poorly, not exercising, and just stressed out about work trying to solve everything by myself. The worst part was I didn’t realize it until this year that I wasn’t happy and being away from my friends and family was killing me. I’m much better now, my weight was at least pre move, I actually enjoy having hobbies again, and back in a place where I can go outside and not worry about crime. For this year, I hope to get back a nice balance of fun things to do. While the state of paper magic is basically dead, I have a friends shop that I would like to be at more to maybe getting back to being good at it again to chase the pro tour. While I couldn’t play when I moved north, I know that I can’t leave this game until I make the pro tour just once. There’s another card game, One Piece TCG, that I hope to be a good judge for the community and host events for. It’s a well designed game, and I hope that it doesn’t turn into another card game that burned out before it got started. (Looking at your DBZ card game) I will be working on getting back into a better physical health with a better diet that I have support from my mother now, and going outside and doing something like shooting hoops again. Granted I can’t go hard as my knees are the last good joints I have left, but some form of movement has to be good for me.

I tried to help my friend save his business selling anime goods. At the time, I didn’t think the company was in such dire shape. I should have done more research into the numbers before trying to save it. With the economy and the over leveraged position the company was in, it wasn’t able to be saved. (If you have a pre order or waiting on items with Kozuguru, Japan Card Games, Wizard Foundry, or Foundry Game Room, I wouldn’t expect to get your order after the new year. I am not affiliated with these websites anymore and just like you I am owed as well and expect them to be insolvent by the end of the month.) In November we had parted ways. I didn’t have the heart to tell anyone but my friends that I have stopped working. I think the worst part was I sacrificed a lot trying to save a sinking ship and have nothing to show for it.

I feel like there is a theme here in not letting your job rob you of your health. I hope everyone spends this year getting work life balance, or at least be worth it if you are miserable at your job.

Not everything was bad, as moving back home to take care of my mom and brothers was overall a good thing in my life. Being back and reconnecting with the community has been a bright spot this year. Not having to drive 4 plus hours to take care of family issues is nice, and it’s nice to be in an area with actual things to do. It’s a shame that I have no space for everything I bought over the years living alone. I threw away a lot of items on my move, which the thing I regret the most is the piano. It wasn’t possible to move everything back for many reasons.

Anyway, I’m sure I could write more but I am about to pass out. I think overall my life is better being back at home, but also I miss my father. If I had a choice between my life now without my dad and my old life with my dad, while it seems harsh and wrong, I rather have the life I have now.

2023 I hope to lose actual weight and be healthier overall. Getting a job that doesn’t take over my life would also be good. Being happy and accepting my dad being gone would be what I actually want in general.

I’m happy Twitter and Instagram doesn’t require my birthday

I think the biggest issue with birthday’s is that Facebook always announces them. At this point in my life I don’t care how old I’m getting all the fun ones are gone. 21 for drinking, 25 renting a car with no extra deposits, 30 can’t be drafted if you are in the US. Next one is 65 for Medicare/Social Security which won’t exist anyway by the time i get to that age.

This is also the first birthday with out my father. It’s been just 100 days from his passing and as a Buddhist ceremony was requested. The monk is out doing something so we can’t complete the ceremony right now. Hopefully we can complete this when I get back from my mini trip. I know my mom hates it when I travel but I don’t think staying at home forever is exactly going to be good for now. June starts the countdown for convention traveling for me. I’ll be at AX at the start of July and Anime Matsuri at the end of July. I hope that I can get a routine built in for when I am out so that my mom doesn’t worry.

While I am happy to be back where I am, it still hurts when I think about the circumstances that got me back. I much rather suffer back at my old job and still have my dad. My new job is interesting and my consulting business is back on tract with my LLC being formed. I spent way too much time at my last job learning everything about that business and not give people the handbook on how to deal with the stupid polices of my old company. Some may think I’m doing this only to get back at my old company but I really want to change this industry. Forming my own consulting firm will let me change people’s lives my way.

Anyway if you are reading this, you must be needing to do research on me. I’m old isn’t that enough?

Don’t be loyal to your jobs

The day before my dad was cremated, my work gave me the decision that I am unable to continue my position because I moved back home to take care of my family. That’s reasonable given the nature of my job. However, they stated at the end of the month they are removing me from the position. This is the part that bothers me. I’ve been working remotely for almost 4 years, and right now I continue to work remotely. Not sure why the sudden changes, but it does send a message to me. It’s clear that over the years my criticisms of the company have grown old and they wish not hear that their issues are. They wanted a reason to get rid of me and now they found it. I have always been outspoken at the processes that exist in the company and challenge how we can make them better. I’ve taken a department that accepted very clear forgeries of documents that were done in MS paint, to being able to identify and issue with a document and created the pathways of getting them verified by the original company. I challenged that we blindly accepted document’s that look like they were typed out in Microsoft Word and demanded a higher standard for document acceptance. They also clearly see this for cost savings as the position I was offered was a minimum wage position. I have over 300 hours of sick/vacation time banked so this would also be a great savings for them.

I’m not here to be a victim, so with the help of some old college friends, I have a phone interview tomorrow with a competitor. This was one of my backup plans I had planned out earlier when my dad was having triple bypass surgery. This is for the position similar to what my boss does, and I hope I get it. It would be good to have financial security (also a pay raise that my old company couldn’t offer), and not going to lie an opportunity to show my old company that I take away the contracts they currently have and are not performing to the health plan standards. Their issue is that they continue to blame who they are contracting instead of looking internally to fix reservation and report issues that I have brought up from the start. I hope that with my knowledge that i have gained over working with my old company, I bring that to the new one and create a network of reliable transportation for the people in my home area. It would also be nice to show my old company this is the biggest mistake they have ever made and I hope your cost savings was worth losing every contract you have in my home area.

I hope this week goes well and I can secure my future before I clean up my past. While it is disappointing that I cannot serve as many people before in my state, I hope to be able to improve my home area transportation issues. Either way the end of this month my old company is trying to get rid of me, and I won’t cry about it much longer. My dad did teach me, getting mad does nothing for you instead get even. I’m taking my anger and frustrations and looking for an opportunity to both improve my real home area, and to show my old company that you may be the biggest, but you are not the best. I know i sound angry and looking for only revenge, but I do honestly want to build something at home that I did at my job.

Tomorrow is the hardest day of my life

On 3/2 I will be witnessing my father to be cremated tomorrow. He passed away due to compilations of COVID-19. He chose not to be vaccinated and now I am dealing with the fallout of that decision. This isn’t going to be an entry about that choice.

The last few weeks have been hard to deal with the fact that my father is no longer here. He was going to retire this year and enjoy life. Watching him slowly die wasn’t exactly a great start to this new year. Last year he went from an angioplasty procedure to the next day emergency triple bypass. I honestly thought last year he wasn’t going to make it as the odds were against him at the time. If I lost my dad last year I honestly wouldn’t have been able to take it. The extra year that was granted to him, we had at least prepared for this situation. No matter how much the family prepared, we still are devastated at the loss. Only a few days before he passed away, we were talking about send him home. The turnaround was such a shock and it’s going to be awhile before I will ever recover from it.

I have spent the last 5 years of my life working on getting people that need to go to the doctor/dialysis/treatment have transportation that was safe and reliable for people getting state funded medical care. These are the poorest and most vulnerable people that I have worked hard to get transportation for. However, with my dad’s passing, I chose to be at home with my mother to take care of the family. My company today decided that because I cannot live in the area i run, that I am going to be let go at the end of the month. While I am not surprised at the decision, I am shocked at how little time I have to transition into another job. I can either lose 3/4 of my salary to stay with a company that clearly doesn’t value the knowledge and ideas I bring to resolving issues or leave with more uncertainty in my life. It hurts as a man to know that I am making way less money than before, but my dad did plan for this, and I don’t have to 100% make money for the family for a while. My mom is telling me that I don’t have to stress myself to make money, however my pride is hurting that I cannot take home the same amount as before. I did revise the resume and summitted some items and reached out to old friends hurting for leads. I still cannot believe that I would be released so quickly without at least training my replacement. I don’t know what I am going to do yet, but I am leaning towards leaving the company I am at. I hated where I lived for work, but I did enjoy the money and work I did. In a couple of weeks I am going back up one last time to clean up my affairs and take home the important things i left.

With more uncertainty now in my life, I am not sure how many hobbies I can even go back to. Nothing feels the same and it’s hard to enjoy anything right now. Being an Idol loving weeb is also not cheap which is where the extra money was nice. I have no room in my house for a piano so I have to give that up most likely. Video games just seems like a waste of time and my mom hates to see me drink.

Don’t worry, I am sure I will be fine soon enough but not right now. I will be back to hopefully idol/weeb posts.

Love Live Nijigasaki Second Live Thoughts.

First of all I am excited to see that slowly that concerts in Japan are going to be streamed live outside of Japan. With COVID-19 destroying everything in 2020, at least something positive can come out of it.

The first session I would love to write about but there was an issue with the stream that couldn’t be seen by anyone without a Japan E-Plus account. While I was disappointed I missed the first session the issue was corrected by the second session. I understand the need to protect Intellectual Property and by streaming a concert there is a high risk of capturing the broadcast for illegal distribution. What happened with the first session really soured the night for most people when it was a simple fix when it comes to license distributions for broadcast. I hope in the future this issue doesn’t happen again. At least we are getting an opportunity to watch it again which was the right decision to make this right for everyone for the first session.

The second session stream went off without a hitch outside of a few buffering issues. My original plan was to skip this session and watch the replay but missing the first session inspired me to stay up. Overall I enjoyed this session of the concert the most as it had most of the newer songs that came out. My personal standouts of this night

Aion no Uta (哀温ノ詩 lit. Song of Sorrow)- Maria Sashide (Chunrun)

I think Chunrun has had the best set of solo performances that I have seen. I was captivated when I got to see her first solo at at Love Live Fes, and latest one from the second live caught my attention right from the start. I couldn’t hear a single mistake in these two performances. I haven’t watched the first live performances yet, but from what I have seen she was amazing in that as well. While she won’t ever take the place of my favorites (Shizuku Osaka/Kaori Maeda), I do hope she gets more attention in the future.

Sing & Smile – QU4RTZ

I love the visuals and graphics they set for this song. From the standing microphones with the members colors, to the swings they used during the song. I have only really heard the song through my car, so I never heard the harmonies being sung until I saw the concert and the harmonies were displayed as a graphic. Now when I listen to it I hear more of the song then I did before. This sub unit I under valued during the creation, but after seeing them live I have a much deeper appreciation of their songs. While I am still A-ZU-NA for life, I look forward to seeing all of the new songs the sub units are going to create. This was by far the best set for the sub units that I have seen so far.

This weekend I will be re watching as much as possible to get the most value of the tickets I bought for all three sessions. While I don’t think I’ll get the blue rays unless there is Chuusen for the 3rd live in them, I am glad to be able to see the concert as close to the same time as the people in Japan. I do want to see a Nijigasaki concert in person someday, I know with everything going on that isn’t going to happen anytime soon so I hope streaming helps with any lost income from no live concerts. While I did get to see Nijigasaki live at Love Live Fes, I still would like to see a concert with just them, as I have done with Aqours for the Anime Expo’s they have performed at.

I remember when this group was announced that I felt a fatigue when it came to pumping out more Love Live merchandise and events. It felt more of a cash grab then a planned out group of idols. I am very wrong for these ideas, and am happy to see the anime coming out soon and future events with this group. While I still feel a little fatigued in the wallet, it’s worth it for the quality of VA’s in this group.

PS. I will be revising this once I re watch all 3 concerts this weekend. Just wanted to put my thoughts down while the ideas were fresh.

Work and Life Balance

In April 2019 my company decided to let go of someone managing a major part of the state I live in and was tasked to solve everything north of a certain city. I went from a manageable part of the area to a task that is impossible to do. I used to have a weekend to do fun things, now I’m spending everyday dealing with a work issue. I did choose this life, but it’s become an issue lately. I can’t properly manager and solve multiple issues so I have sacrificed personal time. Well this week I was so stressed with work I forgot to by my Premiere Badge for AX 2020. It’s one thing if I got screwed by the system and didn’t get it, but I flat out was so focused with work I forgot until 7 hours after and all of them sold out within the first hour. I have always made it a point to work for a company that allows me to take my vacation one time a year for AX. While this year it was still nice I went and had a good time, I also had my mind on work being out for a few days. My industry doesn’t sleep, so I am expected to solve problems quickly. I rarely ever need to take additional time off, but for next year, I need to go travel while I still have the freedom to do so. Right now my life is all about work and I’m starting to feel the burnout from it. I’m not going to quit most likely but maybe if I find the right opportunity I will switch. I just hope to the people that read this, don’t let work consume your life. You will miss out on opportunities in life that you can’t replace. While I was planning on not attending to AX 2020 for the Olympics but that changed when they announced the big Love Live event for January 2020. I also was trying to attend Anime Matsuri in 2020 in Houston to experience a new convention and see how it is run. They schedule AX the first week and Anime Matsuri the week after. That would be a lot to attend both, so maybe I can skip this year. I always have the fear of missing out on another Aqours, or maybe a u’s/Nijisaki Girls concert at AX with the last few years having a Love Live group/idol group for a concert. It’s disappointing that I flat out didn’t try to get a Premiere Badge, though lately I’m thinking a Vendor badge would be just as good for my needs. If I don’t obtain a Premiere badge, I may work that weekend just to buy stuff and maybe attend the concert as a regular person. I haven’t really been making full use of cutting the lines for panel the last couple of years so maybe being a regular person again might work out. I also have seen some posts about just skipping AX due to the issues that plague the general public. I have been spoiled the last few years so it hasn’t effected me too much.

I hope that in a few months I get to a better balance in life so that I don’t get stressed to the point where I forget major events in my life. I am thankful for my job and have it give me some freedom but lately it’s been stressing me out to the point of lashing out at people which isn’t cool.

Kyo-Ani Studios: Why is it important to me?

KyoAni (Kyoto Animation Studios) was attacked today by someone. They caused fire damage to the building, many people were injured and some deaths are reported. Right now, I am feeling upset and distraught because this place to me is more than an animation studio. As of right now I can only offer my thoughts and prayers to the victims of everyone effected. However as soon as I see something I can verify as official from KyoAni to help I will be helping as much as possible. I will be figuring out a way to start a fundraiser if that is what the studio desires for help.

This studio to me makes more than just anime for me to watch. It was many years ago when I watched K-On and that changed my life forever. While as a kid I did watch anime, I saw it more of a way to past a boring afternoon than a passion for my life. It was when I watched K-On that I realized I really love this stuff and how can I watch more. The animation style of KyoAni I immediately fell in love with and the production of their anime is top of the line. They have created some of the most memorable anime from Lucky Star to the most recent masterpiece of Violet Evergarden. After I had watched K-On is when I started to get into collecting the merchandise and supporting the industry with my wallet for once in my life. Before K-On I had just download the anime to watch without giving any thought to the studios that pour their heart and soul into their works. The US companies had made anime so expensive to get, it was difficult to watch without paying 40 dollars for 4-6 episodes. I understand that a studio has to get paid for the work and risk they are taking, but at those prices I rather send a check to the studio directly. While I was watching K-On, I learned about the items that were made for anime and started to learn how to order the stuff from Japan. This was my way to giving support to the studio as directly as I could. KyoAni has made and produced some amazing works, and without their work I wouldn’t have been the anime fan I am today.

As soon as I research the most direct way to help Kyoto Animation studios I will update this post and edit it so that it makes more sense on why this company means so much to me. It may be just a anime studio to most people, but to me this company changed my life. They made me see the important supporting the animation studios if you want to continue to see the work you love made well. I am sure if I never saw K-On I would have missed out so many friends that I have made now because of anime. I owe a lot to anime, letting me meet people I otherwise would never of met. While I can never truly show my appreciation to the company, I will give my support as best as possible.

Anime Expo 2019

My favorite event of the year, it’s my birthday/Christmas/every holiday all put together for me. It’s really the one true vacation I take a year where I disconnect from the real world and just enjoy myself. You might say it’s the 5 days a year where I am at my happiest. Not saying that I’m not happy with my life right now.

This year I found a random person on Reddit and decided to room with their group after not wanting to pay for a hotel room just for me to be in. The room was going to be full of idol fans, so I figure it would be easy to hang out with. It was the best decision I have made. I had roomed with friends before, but Anime Expo for me is running around all day and night. Being the only one with a Premiere pass it makes it hard to hang out at the same panels together. The room had mostly Premiere fans, so it was easier to plan on hanging out at the same panels, and being idol fans we went tot he same concert. They taught me a lot more about being an idol fan. (UO’s for life). I say if you feel safe and comfortable with random people for rooming for AX, do it. You never know the new set of friends for life you can make.

Highlight is still the Aqours concert on Friday night. The place was rocking literally at times. I still say, Aqours made the earth shake with their performance. I know I got to see them last year, but in the pits, it felt like I was even closer to the group. While there were some issues before the concert with the lines, but overall it was handled as well as AX can handle things. I hope to be able to visit them in Japan at the event in 2020, I just have to win a lottery to have a chance of buying a ticket. It was amazing to watch at AX, but I know it has to be even more special when in Japan. I hope to experience that once in my life.

I have Facebook posts about what I bought. While I didn’t get everything I wanted, I also spent time getting stuff for friends that couldn’t get into the exhibit hall early. With the internet I don’t have to buy as much stuff when I know I could order it myself. I was happy this year I could fulfill most of the requests I had gotten. I hope that my efforts of trying to make everyone happy could help with all of the negativity about AX.

While I was a Premiere Fan badge holder I didn’t experience most of the issues that I know the majority of people go through. Anime Expo handles crowds poorly and usually requires to be on the brink of disaster for anything to happens. I think they need to start getting feedback from fans and seriously consider them to avoid these situations. The security guards don’t need to look through everything. If you think I hid a gun inside a book, I assure you that you aren’t going to be the one to stop me. All I have to say, is that I once held a regular pass and all you can do is make the best out of the situation. It sucks missing something you waited 5 hours to get into. You have every right to be upset, but don’t ruin it for your friends.

I will update this later, but for now this is the general summary of AX. I wasn’t planning on coming back, but at the concert Anju said she would come back next year with 9 girls this time.

What happened to Magic the Gathering?

For many people that know me, my goal that kept me going through my 20’s was be coming a Magic the Gathering pro player. I went back to playing the game after seeing some people that owed me some money at a card shop that was next to my house. I started to play because the store owner taught me how to play again, and pushed me to get better to be able to play with some of the best in the city. A couple of years into getting back into the game, I went to my first MtG event and got 63rd. I got some money but more importantly a confidence that I could play with some of the best in the world. One of my 4 losses at the event was to the eventual winner of that tournament. After that, I spent a lot of time and money continuing to learn and start traveling to play at bigger events. The first few years, I saw some returns in my playing and it was fun. I made a lot of new friends, and gave me something to do that was rewarding.

The game had started to change in the pro scene. Over the next few years my results at big events didn’t come close to what my first Grand Prix was. I had a few minor finishes at some shops and was know in the area for being at least a tough competitor. Making the Pro Tour was tougher than ever with the growth of the game, and the system being not great. I traveled every weekend trying to qualify, never getting close under the new system. I only ever won 1 PPTQ, and my performance at the RPTQ was awful. I had at least one top 8 every season, but that doesn’t mean anything. It was a frustrating life, spending every weekend only to feel like a failure. The last few years, the systems has changed again and now the dream seems farther away than ever. My issues with the system isn’t how hard it is to qualify. It should be hard to qualify for it to be special, but with the advent of digital version of magic, they changed their philosophy. Invites are handed out to only the chosen elite that makes the game look good and people that are good for advertising in theory. The people they have chosen have reduced the game to just a show for a certain philosophy I don’t agree with. It’s not about skill, it’s about clicks. The company has changed for the worst, and I don’t feel the same passion as I once had. Normally a person would quit, but I also can’t quit knowing my best finish was the first time I played an event. I question if I just got lucky that weekend, or did I play at a level that would put me with the best in the world. I just want to go to the pro tour once, so I can leave the game without regrets. That regrets looks like it going to exist for awhile. My new area has no scene for competitive magic, and my new lifestyle makes it difficult to travel every weekend to travel many hours just to play. I still will travel to a Grand Prix in LA or somewhere I have a interest in the city it’s in. Travel the world, play the game was the old philosophy of MtG. I wish it would come back so we have the best play the game, not just get the most amount of clicks pandering to a philosophy that has no money.  Hearthstone replaces that competitive drive for now, but it’s not the same with the high amount of RNG mechanics in it. There is a reason that we can’t create computers programs that play the best magic for us. I hope that one day I can either make the Pro Tour to fill that void in my heart. I want to leave the game but I can’t until I qualify just once.

How did I get into Love Live idol life?

In about a month at Anime Expo I am going to be posting an annoying amount of posts and attempt to In Real Life stream on both YouTube and Twitch. As of right now my main motivation that is keeping me going right now is seeing Aqours love at Anime Expo. Last year I was blessed to be able to get VIP sears pretty much near the front and got to experience the ten seconds walking past the Aqours group waving good bye to them. Moment of that experience I hope to never forget was getting Shuka Saitō to do her characters salute to me as I walked by. I hope to have just as much of a memorable experience this year.

If you asked me ten years ago would I ever get into Japanese idol culture, I would have laughed. Over the years that has clearly changed and so have my priorities in life. It all started when I was watching anime, and saw Love Live for the first time. This was with the first Love Live group called µ’s (Muse). I enjoyed hearing the music from the series and was instantly in love with the Voice Actors that voiced the characters. There were some other idol anime’s like IDOLM@STER and Macross that I was aware of but I didn’t get into it because I felt like they were too old and it didn’t quite reach me like Love Live did. The story line isn’t the greatest but I was mainly there for the music and the VA’s. I was a casual so I only watched the anime, played the mobile game and listened to the music. There was a whole other world I didn’t know about with the live concerts with the VAs. It was when I saw the Love Live movie at some sketchy theater in LA where for the first time I actually connected with strangers over Love Live and seeing some of the devotion which caught my interests. People with the light wands in their hands from the live concerts in Japan, or dressed up with tons of merchandise of their favorite girl. It was interesting seeing how passionate they were about this. While waiting for the movie I got to know some people and make some new friends with a common interest. It was fun talking to people about idols and the people were pretty nice. It was intimidating at first seeing how much they knew but over all most are pretty nice. After the movie it was pretty definite that Love Live was over and I honestly didn’t think they would make any more. They announced Love Live was coming back with a new group Aqours.

At first I was unhappy with it. One of my points when it came to talk about other groups compared to Love Live was the development of the 9 girls with the first group and how it wasn’t going to be a bunch of slightly different clones like in IDOLM@STER. I am very wrong about this argument and will never make that mistake again. I thought the girls would get watered down and be less unique. After the Anime Expo event they had with 6 of the girls, the same feeling I had with the first group, I had with the new group. It was also very comforting to know that their intention wasn’t going to replace the old group, but to work hard to be just as good as the first group in their own way. With the success of the µ’s group, the access to everything was much easier now that companies know they can sell Love Live fan a bunch of items they don’t really need. They have live viewing of the concerts, they brought Aqours overseas to preform at Anime Expo, and there is more merchandise than ever to get. While I have given into buying the merchandise, I haven’t fallen to the point of unhealthy obsession. There are always various levels of fandom when it comes to this. I’ve moved passed just watching into participating in idol culture. I am not obsessed though, which I believe I am at a good place with this. I do own a lot of stuff from Love Live:Sunshine but I don’t just blindly buy everything. For the concerts, I own pairs of light wands from the AX concerts but I also don’t know every call and wave for all of the songs. I enjoy being a part of this but I don’t fall into the part of idol culture that I don’t like. Some people are way too into this and make their entire identity on idols. We know that idol groups grow old and have to stop performing. While I will be sad when Aqours stop performing, but I also know there will be another group to replace them.

With the first Love Live group µ’s, I learned it was okay to be open with my devotion to the group. With the second Love Live group Aqours, I learned it was fun to participate in the idol culture. The new group for Love Live PDP, I can’t wait to see what I learn from these set of girls. I hope for the new girls that I can do crazy stuff like make ita bags, know all of the calls and light wand waves for the song, , and go to a concert in Japan to see them. There’s a chance in January 2020 all 3 groups might perform and my plans for Tokyo 2020 Olympics are all canceled for this even in January. I had a theory all 3 groups would perform for the opening ceremony but they are giving that to me sooner. While I am lucky to Aqours perform live at Anime Expo, I would imagine the energy and atmosphere would be much different in Japan and that is something I wish to experience once in my life.

To think my life would change because of an anime and mobile game. I would never have met a bunch of people if it wasn’t for an anime about school girls singing to save their school. If you somehow read everything I have written at 1am in the morning while watching a Love Live Concert Blue-ray set then I thank you for having such patience and interest to read this. With all my stresses in life, I think writing is another thing I can do to deal with it in a healthy way and to let random people that only know my user name to see there’s a person behind it.